We discover and publish fundamental principles in aeronautics.

Director: Doug Hunsaker

Core Competencies


Subsonic | Compressible | Supersonic | Hypersonic

Low-Fidelity | Mid-Fidelity | High-Fidelity

Flight Dynamics and Controls

Trim | Stability | Damping

Linearized Models | Handling Qualities

Flight Simulation

6 DoF Motion | Quaternion Representation

Atmospheric Models | Unreal-Engine Graphics

Flight Testing

Custom Hardware and Software | RC Flight-Test Field Near Campus

HITL and SITL Testing | Unique Control Systems

Our Mission

Our Beliefs

Worth Reading

Habits of Highly Successful Students

Habits of Highly Successful  Graduate Students

Doug Hunsaker

What are we Optimizing?

Daniel Liberzon

Science in the Age of Selfies

Donald Geman and Stuart Geman

Alumni Perspectives

Zach Montgomery

Anduril Industries

"It has given me the proper mindset to analyze problems"

Austin Stewart

Air Force Research Lab

"Working on a thesis, you become one of the leading experts in that field"

Dalon Work

Dassault Systèmes

"Having the PhD is sort of a sign that you're willing to sit down and do hard things."

Josh Brincklow


"You're making big breakthroughs on things that no one has ever actually figured out before, and that's really fulfilling."

Sabrina Snow


"It is a very special feeling to see something that you built take off and start flying"

Josh Goates

Anduril Industries

"I gained the experience of encountering a problem, independently searching for a solution, coming up with something new, and applying it."

Austin Kohler

Dynamic Dimension Technologies

"Grad school has opened up a lot of doors and given me opportunities to find more fulfilling work"

Dallin Wiberg

Aurora Flight Sciences

"What I've always found is that there's no wasted efforts"

Bruno Moorthamers

DAR Corporation

"Find what you like doing and focus mostly on being happy at the end of the day"

Jaden Thurgood

Anduril Industries

"Grad school was the way I envisioned school as being during my undergrad ... [it is] an introductory course to the rest of life's learning."

Jeff Taylor

USU Center for Anticipatory Intelligence

"I realized that research was what I had always wanted to do, I just didn't know that it was research."

Christian Bolander

USU Engineering Education

"Even more than the skills I've gotten in the AeroLab, I value the connections I've made with people in the lab."

The Equation Wall

Check out the equations we have developed in this field of research.